Our Goal in managing the plants in your landscape is to use the least toxic and most effective means available. Many insect and disease problems are actually the symptoms of plants under stress. We start by testing your soil. This helps us develop a baseline for treatment. Soil aeration, adding organic matter, applying calcium and boosting beneficial soil microbes are some ways we improve plant health. When a pesticide is required for control of persistent problems such as Hemlock wooly adelgid, Winter Moth, Gypsy Moth, or Emerald Ash Borer, we employ a bio-rational strategy. This includes applying horticultural oils, insecticidal soaps, and other biological control measures such as nematodes and beneficial fungi.
Insect Control
Emerald Ash Borer Beetles
Emerald Ash Borer (EAB) has been confirmed in certain parts of Massachusetts.
On an initial site visit our consulting arborist will meet with you to determine if treatment is warranted and then decide the best course of action.
Options for application include soil drenches, root injections, systemic bark sprays, and full foliage spraying. Call or email us to arrange a meeting with one of tree experts.
More information:
- http://www.emeraldashborer.info/
- MA DCR - Essex Country Quarentine Press Release - 04/01/14
Wintermoth Caterpillar:
Commonly found in the Boston area on shade trees such as Beech, Maples and Oak Trees
Hemlock Woolly Adelgid and Elongated Hemlock Scale Treatments:
Basal trunks applications, soil drench, and Horticultural Oil sprays
Disease Control
Phytopthora Fungi Treatments:
Basal trunk applications of Agri-Fos with Pentra Bark
Bleeding Canker on an Infected Beech
Soil Testing and Nutrient Ammendments
Compost Tea and Mycorrhizzae Fungi applications
Soil Testing - Calcium, Ph adjustments
Neptunes Harvest Organic Soil Nutrient Amendments
Azomite Soil Nutrient supplements